Greenville Central School District Please take a look at this article below, written by a member of our HS Robotics Club! Engineering is Actually For Everyone – A post by Rachel Shelburne When you hear your school has a robotics club, you might envision a group of geeks reading manuals, sitting around computers, and messing with mechanical parts. Technically, you’re not wrong, but what is missing from this equation is perspective. Once you enter this group, you realize there is so much more to robotics than just playing with metal parts and pieces. To have a successful team, there is a requirement for students of all areas of expertise. From engineering, to art and design, to writing, leadership, and cooperation, robotics incorporates skills that anybody can have. When I say anybody, I mean anybody. It is often believed that engineering and mechanics is a man’s job, but this is certainly not the case. Like many other young women, I aspire to make a difference in any way I can, and until this group, I had a very narrow view of what I thought I could do with my future career. I didn’t think I would fit in with the students in the robotics group because I had absolutely no background in engineering and no idea how to build a robot. Little did I know, I wasn’t alone. What makes this group so incredible is that I went from being so oblivious that I couldn’t tell you what an Allen wrench was, to becoming vice president of the group my second year, building the robot, even driving it at competitions. Now I am leading my fellow peers on their robotics journey, preparing them for the future. I get so excited about this group and I could talk about it for hours. My perspective about engineering has completely changed because of this group, even resulting in changes to my ideal career path. I have always wanted to work with movies in some way, but my hobby of art mixed with what I have learned about design and mechanics in robotics has opened up the possibility of film animation. Robotics has taught me that sometimes we have no idea what we love and enjoy until we have an open mind and try something new. #ghsblog