Greenville High School On behalf of the Peter and Mama Johnson Scholarship “Nickel Social”, it gives me great pleasure to announce that this event was a huge success. Because of the generosity of the Greenville School District community members, we were able to raise $7,369.21 As the High School Student Council Advisor please accept my deepest and sincere gratitude for either your raffle donations, baked goods, beverage donations, raffle purchases or for being one of my many helpers during this event. We could not have pulled this off without you. I would also like to thank our great custodial staff for all their help. Last, but not least, a very special thank you to our Superintendent,Tammy, for being so flexible and supportive of this event right from the beginning. You support and encouragement was greatly appreciated. Chris Lochner GCS HS Student Council Advisor #GHSBlog